Nathalie Gibson

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Nathalie Gibson

Nathalie Gibson

Marketing Director

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Nathalie joined as Marketing Director in April 2022, responsible for overseeing Biolevel’s integrated marketing strategy. Most recently, Nat was the Head of Partnerships at AgFunder for the last several years and prior to that she spent 10 years at Rabobank managing their global innovation platform, Foodbytes. She has worked in business hubs across Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America, leading communication and marketing strategy development and execution. Nat is passionate about supporting global companies with their marketing strategies to achieve their objectives while collaborating with sales and development business teams to further target key audiences. She is looking forward to working with the Biolevel team to refine their strategy and position them for growth. She lives in Melbourne with her two daughters.

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While you can directly purchase Biolevel™ brand products online to try, we value our local dealer partnerships and recommend connecting with a Biolevel dealer near you.

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