Laurence Berman

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Laurence Berman

Laurence Berman

Chairman and Co-Founder

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Having moved to rural England after years in real estate, finance and renewable energy ventures, Laurence began to explore how he could support more environmental farming solutions. Together with his business partner Lutz, Laurence was introduced to Ian Robertson, a highly regarded soil expert and true believer that biologicals were an important part of the solution to better farming. Soon after, Biolevel began to emerge as a business targeting the development and marketing of best-in-class bionutrition products based on Ian’s initial work.  

Today, Laurence has many responsibilities at Biolevel, but his focus is on overall strategy, strategic partnerships, business and international development. He graduated with a Master of Science from Columbia University and a Bachelor of Arts from Williams College. He lives with his wife and three children on a small farm in Cotswolds, England.  

Where to Buy

While you can directly purchase Biolevel™ brand products online to try, we value our local dealer partnerships and recommend connecting with a Biolevel dealer near you.

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